As scheduled and predetermined, the Executive Committee
meetings of the Austin branch of the Stephen F. Austin Class of 65 held their
by-whatever meeting yesterday at the Aplebees on the corner of Ben White Drive
and MOPAC Blvd.
Those in attendance were the following: Jimmy Phipps,
Jerry Nance, and our new member (under consideration) Ernie Lee.
To begin the discussion, a toast was proposed and drank
(Big ole Iced Teas all around) to our recently departed Charter member, Bobby
Buntyn. Bobby is greatly missed. His council was always positive and truly respected.
Here’s to you, Bobby!
Although, not totally unexpected, a large part of the
discussion was held at my house by the early arrivers (always); the biggest
part detailing the Texas open carry decision and the Governor’s recent decision
to arm the National Guard facilities in light of the Chattanooga incident. Pros
and cons exist on both sides of the argument and just how this order will be
carried out. The number of guns present downstairs was no way near those
present upstairs. Be that as it may, the heat didn’t rise above a simmer.
I will state that Little Gus and Otis welcomed their old
friend Jimmy with much more exuberance than either of the other two attendees.
They like his Boxer, Bella, actually more than they like Jimmy, but that’s to
be expected.
Once we arrived at Applebees, were seated and saluted
Bobby, we jumped into the meal ordering. I know you can tell from the picture
that there haven’t been many meals missed by this group. Ernie started his
order off with a TRIPLE Bacon Burger and chips—see how he worked those slimming chips into the day.
The remaining three of us chose one of the new menu
choices: the TRIPLE HOG Burger (that’s Bacon, Ham and a nice serving of
Pulled-Pork BBQ)—we
didn’t hold back and settle for the chips though—we went whole hog and got the French FRIED potatoes
of one kind or another—no
willie-nillies in this part of the group. All things considered, Ernie may have
jeopardized his chances of full membership by taking those chips—just saying!
Somehow Ernie, without the benefit of knowledge of the
established agenda, got us off on a discussion of the carrier Kitty Hawk, the
Constellation (Jerry’s Boat) and the riots carried out on them during the
VietNam skirmish. After Jerry had taken the opportunity to tell fifteen or
twenty war stories, we finally got back on agenda. Have I mentioned before that
we need to take a binding vote on whether Jerry is an official member of the
Class of ’65. Somehow the previous votes have not held him back from barging in
on our frivolity—that’s
just wrong somehow.
If you cogitate on the situation for just the slightest,
Jerry hardly makes a good runner and his abilities as a gopher are barely passable.
At some point around this time, Jerry sidetracked the
discussion and stated he was looking forward to a Trump-Cruz ticket for the
Republican Party. Not wanting to get too political we determined that it was
not in the Committee’s interest to issue a Trump-Cruz endorsement—the issue was tabled for
later consideration.
About this time, the chow showed up and the meeting took
on a quieter tone for some five or six minutes—just long enough for Jerry to get BBQ sauce all over
his polo.
While Ernie followed my lead and tried NOT to war story
the others to death; with both Jimmy and Jerry, it’s a no win situation. Now, I’ve
heard ALL of Jimmy’s multiple times and most of Jerry’s several times, none of
us had heard any of Ernie’s in the last fifty years—he’s been lost that long. I will say that I enjoyed
the Houston induction center desertion story the best of the few Ernie told—was that James Fridel
who was the black hat there Ernie?
As a result of their showing today: Jimmy Phipps has been
elevated to full membership on the Executive Committee and Ernie Lee has been
awarded junior membership—he’ll
have to attend a significant number of more meetings. And, if you are still
wondering, Jerry Nance’s status was again tabled for later consideration.
Before you know it, lunch was over and we were back at
the house standing there passing around Jerry’s new concealable .357 revolver.
As a side note, I will acknowledge that as the last looker prior to returning
the pistol to Jerry, I willingly passed up the opportunity to shoot any and all
of the other three.